

Data is updated daily at 6 pm EST. Source:

First number is daily new cases. The second number - denoted by (plus or minus) sign show change in cases from 7, 14, 21 or 28 days ago. In the bracket, we can also see the same change as a %. More cases compared to 7, 14, 21 or 28 days ago doesn't mean that things are very bad - click for details and check all trends such as cases, deaths, number of tests, positivity and hospitalization to determine whether the state should be alarmed or not. Also, check the hotspots at county level on the same link to understand areas with high prevalence of COVID-19.

Cases, Fatalities, Positivity and Current Hospitalization: Less is good so, any decreases are marked in green and increases are marked in red.

Tests: More is good so any increases are marked in green and decreases are marked in red. (inverse of other metrics such as cases, fatalities etc.)

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